Mini Makers – encouraging tiny tots to explore their creativity


Messy play is so important for a young child’s development, inspiring curiosity and providing a sensory experience enabling them to explore the world around them. It helps with the development of fine motor skills, gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness.

Many Creative Minds Artists are now running Mini Makers art sessions in their local community, providing a space to nurture children’s imagination and encouraging parents to enjoy a creative experience with their children. These sessions are aimed at pre-schoolers who are encouraged to explore a wide range of materials in a playful and experimental way.

CM Artist Grace based in Wiltshire, ran a weekly session throughout 2019 at West Wilts Vineyard Church. These proved to be a huge hit, and some weeks saw over 40 attendees!

Grace ran a different theme each week, some of which included; the colours of the rainbow, under-the-sea, on the farm and outer space. She set the room up with different areas for little ones to explore, incorporating a variety of sensory objects and creative materials.

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After attending one of Grace’s sessions, one mum messaged the following day with; “Oh my word. The creative group yesterday blew my mind with how amazing it was! Thank you Grace – such a rich and sensory experience for our little ones.”

Meanwhile over in Cambridge CM Artist Laura has formed a partnership with a local soft play centre, where pre-schoolers can gain access to the centre, and then join her for a creative session. Each week she brings along different creative materials for the toddlers to enjoy, so they can create a piece of art to take home.

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The toy car wheels and tractors were a huge hit!
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Paint blowing over stencils was another popular technique that the Mini Makers loved exploring.
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At Creative Minds we provide full support and training to artists who are keen to bring Mini Makers sessions to their local community.

If you want to find out about our franchise opportunity and how you can earn an income delivering Mini Maker sessions near you click here.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up!”Pablo Picasso